Sunday, August 8, 2010

Formative Brief #2

Topic: Placement and Displacement
Task: Think about the spaces/situations that give you a sense of placement and a sense of displacement.

For this task I decided to look at the entry into and the exit from this world. I believe that the most at ease we will EVER feel in life is when we are still in the womb before we have truly entered this world and all the emotions and experiences that come with it. Before we can experience sadness, loneliness or see the cruel side of life we have that pure time within our mothers where we are shielded from any darkness.

I then looked at the opposite to this for displacement. When we leave this world we can never truly no what will happen to us, it is one of the greatest mysteries. And whilst there many people that have come to peace with dying there are many people that have died tragically or to young. I looked at this, slightly abstractly, using the technique of ghosting in a self portrait because at the moment I guess I still feel young and 'invincible' I cannot deny that whilst dying doesn't scare me at the moment, leaving things unfinished, leaving people behind and being forgotten certainly does frighten me.


'Calm Comfort'


'Ghosts of Things to Come'

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