Thursday, August 5, 2010

Formative Brief #1

Topic: Memory
Task: Choose a photograph from a family album that holds a special memory and produce a photograph that responds to this image.

Whilst looking through the thousands of photographs we have stored away in our garage I came across two studio photographs. One of myself and one of my brother. My initial idea was to find an image of my brother and I when we were younger and compare the strong childhood relationship to the loose one we have now. But when looking at the single portrait of my brother I noticed an even bigger change in himself individually than in our relationship. The once cheeky and adorable child has grown into a teenager who spends every waking hour closed of from the real world in his own gaming and computer reality.

I decided that this change is what I would attempt to capture. I found that no elaborate set up was required, just a simple portrait shoot would capture this change in my younger brother. I used a green background to link in his obsession for computers as he is currently studying animation and learning about green screen.

I felt that this was quite an important photograph to try and capture as the changes in my younger brother has been quite a long and sad process.

'A changed person'

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