Sunday, September 12, 2010

Formative Brief #6

Formative Brief #6

Topic: Your Favourite Photographer/Photograph
Task: Choose one of your favourite photographers and identify what it is about his/her images that you find so attractive. Then choose one image to have a visual conversation with.

And so began the task to pick a favourite photographer! There is just so many to choose from so I went back to one of my old favourites Andrew Zuckerman. I Find his portraits to be very inpiration. In his book 'Wisdom' he has created portraits that give a beautiful insight into his subjects. He has a very identifiable style to his work so I decided to base my photograph using this style.

Some of Andrew Zuckerman's Work from his book 'Wisdom'

Andrew Zuckerman's Website:

I decided to photograph my Grandpa to follow on with the theme of Andrew's book of photographing respected seniors, and there is no one that I respect more than my Grandpa. He is a very important person to me and I wanted to capture his joyful spirit in the photograph. He had his 80th birthday earlier this year.

'Grandpa Roy'

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